Clairvoyance is one of the best known psychic abilities and it is not surprising that in some parts of the world psychics are called clairvoyants. Being clairvoyant means that you are psychic, but not all psychics are clairvoyant.

The clair's senses

Simply put, the term clairvoyance or clairvoyant means 'clear vision'. It is one of the few psychic abilities to know: clairvoyance (clear vision), clairvoyance (clair detection), clairvoyance (clear knowledge) and clairaudience (clear hearing). There is also clairempathy, which is an empathic ability that allows the patient to experience the emotions of others as if they were their own. A psychic or sentient may have all or only some of these abilities and that is why a psychic is not necessarily clairvoyant.

What it means to be clairvoyant

When a reader or sensitive is clairvoyant, he or she receives information visually. Contrary to popular belief, the images or information received are generally not seen with the physical senses. Most psychics or sentients describe how to see 'behind their forehead or third eye' or to see images 'inside their minds'.

How clairvoyants receive information

Clairvoyant images can take the form of a short video clip where a psychic literally sees events unfold. The psychic can see it from a third person perspective or can see and experience it through the eyes of another person.

Another way clairvoyance manifests itself is through symbolic images. This means that the psychic sees flashes of images that symbolize something for the client. How symbols are interpreted depends on the psychic, because many psychics will already have a mental dictionary full of various symbols and their meanings. Deciphering the symbols comes with time, and the meanings may be different for each psychic.

A clairvoyant reader can see signs and symbols that the reader understands and uses to guide the model in reading. Sometimes the psychic may not understand what the symbols mean, but the client will often be able to confirm or shed light on what the vision refers to.

These clairvoyant visions or episodes can occur before a reading, during a reading, or even after a reading. It just depends on how or when the reader chooses to connect with the client. Once the connection is made, the information should start to flow.

Some clairvoyant visions also take the form of images that come directly from someone else's mind. This limits telepathy, because the psychic is "reading" someone's mind through the visual images they receive.

Clairvoyance can manifest itself in any of these ways during a reading, so when looking for a reader keep in mind that the information received may represent pieces of a puzzle that must be put together with the help or knowledge of the customer. In most cases, the symbols the reader sees will either confirm a customer's own instincts or indirectly respond to the question asked. The key is to understand and decipher what is displayed correctly.

Postcognition or precognition

Clairvoyant images can also take the form of postcognitive or precognitive visions. Clairvoyant ability is supposed to mean that a psychic can see the future, but that is not always the case. Images or visions received by a clairvoyant could relate to past events (post cognitive) or relate to future events (precognitive).

Many of the clairvoyant images serve to confirm what a client feels or offer affirmation through psychic validation of past events. Some clairvoyants can also connect to a situation in the present, so not all images received are related to the future or to predicting the outcome of a particular situation.

Not all readers are clairvoyant

It is important to remember that not all readers "see" or obtain information visually. Some readers feel or perceive, hear or know, and all of these skills are as credible as clairvoyance. When looking for a reader, consider the skills he or she uses for reading and whether those skills fit well with what you would expect during a psychic reading.

Author's Bio: 

A clairvoyant reader can see signs and symbols that the reader understands and uses to guide the model in reading.