The prostate is an essential organ of male reproductive health. Its primary function is to secrete prostatic fluid to protect urethra, prevent urinary tract infection and produce semen. Once the prostate has problems, it is easy to lead to prostatitis, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms will occur.

For prostatitis treatment, antibiotics are mainly used in the acute phase, such as doxycycline, and quinolones can also be used. The effect of antibiotics in treating chronic prostatitis is worse than that of herbal medicine, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It can not only eliminate symptoms but also cure chronic prostatitis from the root, without recurrence and drug resistance.

Besides, many experts have done relevant experimental research to prove that pumpkin seeds can promote prostate health. A paper on the composition and efficacy of pumpkin seeds was published in the medical journal "Strait pharmacy, " stating:

Pumpkin seed extract can reduce the pressure of bladder, increase the compliance of bladder, reduce the stress of urethra, and alleviate dysuria.

Pumpkin seed can be used as one of the agents to reduce the risk of bladder stones. It has the effect of controlling inflammatory reaction on chronic prostatitis. It can improve the benign prostatic hyperplasia. (combined with a large clinical trial in Germany)

There are also reports in many studies and journals. For example, the Daily Mail of the United Kingdom has also published a prostate protection diet, including pumpkin seeds. Britain also made pumpkin seeds into health products for people to buy.

Based on the above studies and reports, the beneficial components of pumpkin seeds to the prostate are zinc (essential for reproductive health, which is related to sperm activity and quality), cucurbitacin (a plant alcohol substance, which is involved in the control of benign prostatic hyperplasia) and unsaturated fatty acids (anti-inflammatory effect).

Pumpkin seed is one of the most common nuts and also nutritious food. It comes from the seeds contained in the pumpkin pulp. Therefore, men can eat them properly every day, which has some auxiliary effects on prostate disease prevention.

Pumpkin seeds and other nut foods are the same, rich in oil, protein, carbohydrate. The nutritional content is relatively affluent. Most of the oil in pumpkin seeds are unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some studies have found that the hormone secreted by the prostate is related to fatty acids, so it can maintain the prostate's health.

Also, polyunsaturated fatty acids are "heart protectors, " regulating serum cholesterol concentration and helping prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, it is also a part of brain neurotransmitters, strengthening the brain.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in a variety of trace elements; the most prominent is phosphorus. 100g pumpkin seeds can provide 1159mg phosphorus, and there are also very rich potassium and iron elements. The content of zinc in pumpkin seeds is much higher than that in many common foods, and zinc can help prevent prostate diseases and improve prostate's self-healing ability.

Pumpkin seeds contain "plant cholesterol," which can help eliminate prostate swelling. Men in middle age may secrete another substance "dihydrotestosterone," which may cause prostate swelling. Plant cholesterol in pumpkin seeds can help prevent prostate swelling and inflammation.

Besides, pumpkin seeds are also rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and improves disease resistance. In a word, eating pumpkin seeds is useful for men to prevent prostate diseases.

However, it should be noted that although pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients, they are also high in oil and fat, which is not suitable for eating more. The dietary guidelines recommend that the daily intake of nuts be controlled at 10g, about a handful is enough.

From this point of view, moderate consumption of pumpkin seeds is still suitable for men. But do not eat more. And pumpkin seeds can not treat prostatitis, and people always need professional targeted treatment.

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