These days the words “spiritual”, “consciousness “and “awareness” are thrown around in popular culture like trophies won by those who feel they have the answers. The answers to the really big questions – like “why am I here?” and “what is my life for?” Can any person really know “the” answers, or is knowing a personal thing? Is there one answer to every question or do the answers need to fit into our ability to understand – to conceptualize – to really grasp what it all might mean? My best guess is that we are meant to discover our own truths; in this visit as human beings, and that truth has to fit into the paradigm of consciousness we were born into. Our truth has to make sense to us so we have a means to contextualize and assimilate what we know into a lifestyle that’s reflective of our level of awareness. Only when we know there is more to know are we then capable of searching for meaning and for purpose. If this search is undertaken with an open mind and heart, we get a glimpse into the “Why? and the What?”.

For most of us this spiritual consciousness we seek will never be fully realized. Don’t let that worry you. It’s nearly impossible for most of us to be fully conscious and rightly so… if we were all fully conscious there would be no more learning to do and life as a human would not be necessary. We would all live in some other dimension doing what fully conscious beings, do. Most of us are not conscious enough to even grasp the idea of living consciously – living without ego, guilt, competition, emotional pain and only for love. Can you imagine?... Yes?

Then fear not, if you are seeking spiritual awareness, even casually by reading this blog or others like it, you already have the capacity for understanding. However, the level at which you and I will understand, is ours and ours alone and the intrinsic purpose of our journey.

What I am saying is represented beautifully in religion. Religions all claim their own path to God – their own belief system as the only “way” to salvation and to gods (or whatever you believe to be god) love and even favor. But beneath all of the ceremony and sanctimony, the bottom line is the same. We (religions) all believe in “a” god or power of one form or another and the basis for all religious teachings - although often mistranslated - is love and tolerance. So when you really think of it, our paths are and should be different and our truths and ability to live our truest lives are our own personal journeys carved out just for us; for each of us to learn and to grow in consciousness until one day, as our souls grow in spiritual wisdom, we live fully conscious as loving, tolerant beings.

So for now – all is as it should be.

For now, understanding that we are all the same- energy beings on the very same journey, should bring comfort in the fact that we are in this life as learners and that the ability to learn requires the willingness to try and the willingness to try brings about the inevitably of failure. Our failures are our bench markers and often our signposts to our next level of awareness. If we are truly here as human beings to learn and to advance our understanding, as many believe we are, doesn’t it make sense that our lives should be filled with diverse experiences, mistakes and yes – even pain. By looking as objectively at who you are as possible, you will allow for accelerated learning as you will spend less time in the “why me” and more time in the “ I see”.

Learning to accept that we are all here to learn – will give us the strength and the power we are all meant to posses.

Author's Bio: 

Gina Vitalone is a Certified Professional Holistic Life Coach (CPC), Author, public speaker and cast member self-help expert on the Conscious View TV Show airing on cable and the internet. Gina is a graduate of the International Coaching Academy in Melbourne Australia and the author of "50 Practical Steps to Living Life On Purpose With Purpose" a practical guide to a life of peace, prosperity and deep love and purpose. Gina's coaching focus is holistic in nature as it considers the entire person and who they are as opposed to goal oriented coaching designed to improve a specific situation or reach an external milestone. Although goal coaching is important, it often becomes holistic when the client realizes why a specific goal has not yet been reached. This realization is the first sign of the "awakening" and often shifts the destination of the coaching from a singular-superficial focus, to finding deep meaning in one's life.

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