Cellulites are caused by the abnormal deposition of fats, fluids, and toxins inside the subcutaneous cells. When these cellulite components accumulate, the size of the cells increases. The pressure these puffy cells apply on the connective tissues underneath the skin causes localized dimpling on the surface especially when the connective tissue is weakened over time. This is the reason why cellulite is described by many as the “pin-cushion,” “cottage cheese,” and “orange peel” looks.

Some experts suggest the usage of effective natural treatments for cellulite like juicing. Consuming juices will give the body an immediate supply of necessary nutrients and enzymes which are beneficial in increasing the body’s metabolism, blood circulation, and lymphatic flow. Experts and nutritionist both agree that the healthful benefits of juices from fruits and vegetables are easily digested and absorbed by the body. This is one noteworthy attribute of juices which means that it can smooth out dimply skin in no time at all. To get the best of what juices can offer, the recommended daily consumption is at least one 8 ounce glassful.

Step 1
Peel the skin of two pieces of grapefruits. When peeling the fruit, it is best to leave intact much of the white pith. Hesperidin and rutin, substances that are helpful in burning bodily fat and are found in riboflavin rich sources, can be found in the pith of grapefruits.

Step 2
Cut the peeled grapefruit and dunk each chunk into your juicer’s feed cylinder. Start extracting the juice of each chunk.

Step 3
Cut three pieces of carrots and feed it onto the juicer. Carrot juice is a good appetite suppressant. The beta-carotene content of this wonder vegetable is beneficial in improving skin tone and texture.

Step 4
Incorporate the healthful benefits of a natural diuretic by slicing watermelon and dunking it into the juicer’s feeder. Don’t remove the seeds. The diuretic property of watermelon is found in the seeds. Diuretics have the ability to naturally draw water out from the cells.

Step 5
According to experts, it is recommended to drink the juice in an empty stomach. Consuming fresh juices before eating any dense or compact food will help the body to absorb more of the healthful components of the juice. When the body is busy digesting solid foods, it will be more difficult for it to absorb the enzymes and nutrients the juice contained.

The notion that consuming raw and fresh juices, especially the citric kind, will cause stomach upset is wrong. Nevertheless, as a precautionary measure, it is best to drink an 8 ounce glass of water to stabilize the stomach. After which, the juice can be drank.

Remember that drinking a glassful of healthful juice only form part of the ultimate cellulite cure. To heighten its benefits, complement it with other remedies for cellulite like eating the right kind and amount of food and regular exercise.

Author's Bio: 

Drinking fresh fruit juices is not only beneficial for dieters who want to lose weigh; it is also advantageous to those who want to jiggle out their lumps and bumps. Find out how you can make your own fresh fruit juice and can or can do cellulite treatment.