What Is Success?

By Rick Gettle

(Excerpt From “The Science Of Success Achievement Course” © 2015)

What is success? Here is the best answer to that question that I have ever heard. “Success -- is the development of your powers to get whatever it is that you want from life without violating the rights of others in any way.” Napoleon Hill


If success is “the development of our powers,” what are some of the powers you must take the time to develop and use to achieve your goals in life? They are the human capabilities and natural talents we all possess. We can use these powers to achieve our full potential. We must build on them or face losing them! Here are some of the powers I will touch on, briefly. I cover them in more depth in my course.

The power of positive thinking. Experts claim that the average person thinks about 10,000 thoughts per day, and that 90% of them are negative and only 1,000 are positive. There are over 6,000,000,000 people in the world, and each one is thinking about 9,000 thoughts per day; that comes to over 54,000,000,000,000 negative thoughts thought every day. These thoughts go out into the either that surrounds us and seeps into our brains like a deadly, poisonous plague. We must stay away from negative thinkers and joy killers – their influence is deadly!

The power of accurate thinking - free from error – beyond a doubt. Accurate thought involves two fundamentals: first, to think accurately you must separate facts from mere information. There is a lot of information available to you that is not based on facts. So, why bother with it. Second, you must separate facts into two classes; the important and the unimportant, or, the relevant and the irrelevant. All facts, which you can use in the attainment of your definite chief aim, are important and relevant; all that you cannot use are unimportant and irrelevant. Focus only on the things that are relevant and important in your life. Don’t waste your valuable time on unimportant and irrelevant things. Life is too short.

The power of your brain - scientists say that we are using only 5 percent of our brain, so this is certainly an area of power that we can develop. A computer scientist once said that he could fill two 100-floor buildings with various computers – top to bottom - wall to wall – and still not be able to duplicate the power of our brain. It is estimated that, our brain (computer), equated into dollars, would be worth at least $3,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 – three quadrillion dollars - we all have one - and we got it for free! Too bad some of us don’t know how to use it wisely.

The power of concentration - direction of attention to a single object, desire or goal. We become what we think about all day long, so wouldn't it make sense to think as often as you possibly can about success, happiness, freedom, peace of mind, good health, vitality and personal security? You will attract what you think about the most.

It is “the law of harmonious attraction.” Like attracts like - success breeds more success. This is the same success principle the famous “Blue Angles” mastered to fly in the sky doing dangerous tricks.

The power of confidence - self-assurance, trust, faith, hope, reliance, free from doubt. The secret to becoming confident is preparation. By practicing, we come to a point of competence. We find ourselves accomplishing our goals gracefully and confidently. It is then that we do things that we never dreamed we could do. We discover powers we never knew existed. Keep preparing. Keep practicing. Until you become an expert in a world of amateurs.

The power of a strong purpose in life (definiteness of purpose) the higher your purpose is, the more power you will generate. If you know what you want more than anything else in life, and why you want it – the how will eventually come to you. The more why’s you have, the more you will persevere until you achieve it.

The power of desire - a 90-pound woman lifted a 5,000-pound car to free her child trapped beneath. Desire is the power. How strong is yours? Nothing can stop a person with a red-hot, flaming, burning desire. Keep building and maintaining the intensity of your desire. Don’t let negative thinkers and joy killers put your fire of desire out. EAT IT - SLEEP IT - WALK IT - TALK IT.

The power of enthusiasm (the god within) it is to spring forth each morning with the thrill of being alive – to go forward each day in an ecstasy of joy with zeal, eagerness and ardent interest in the pursuit of something – a dream – a goal – and a plan for its achievement.
The power of faith - this important power must be renewed regularly. Most people haven’t enough faith to get their dreams off the ground. They stop applying their power of faith easily after a few setbacks, and often give up on their objectives. Take time each day to reaffirm your trust in your goals. You need an endless capacity to believe. This will carry you through obstacles, setbacks, delays, problems, adversities, tragedy and temporary defeat; you will never fail unless you quit!

The power of taking personal initiative - taking the first step, readiness to undertake something on one’s own – ambition and drive - there are three kinds of people in this world: people who make things happen – people who watch other people make things happen – and, people who don’t know what’s happening. What’s happening is this: you have the power to make things happen – so do it!

The power of persistence - to persist means to take a stand; stand firm, to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition. More than any other quality, persistence will help you reach your goals. The world is filled with many starters in life, but very few finishers. When the going gets tough, they fold.

The power of goal setting - every great achiever has a plan of action to reach his or her objective. You may have to try new plans or methods when you encounter setbacks, but don't give up. Always keep your list of goals with you and review them often. Out of sight out of mind. Don’t let your sizzle turn into a fizzle.

The power of habit - habit is like a cable – we weave a strand of it every day until eventually those strands become a cable that we can’t break. Make sure you are weaving strands of good habits every day until they become unbreakable cables of power. Everyone is where he or she is because of his or her habits. If you don’t like where you are in life, form the kind of habits that will get you where you want to be and become a slave to those habits.

The power of hope - to desire with expectation of fulfillment. Many people have dared to "think big," such as the wright brothers, Thomas Edison, the creators of the automobile, computer and electronic industries, the founders of Amway, the people that put us on the moon and into outer space and even the person who sold us the "pet rock!" - The greatest of all happiness comes from the hope of achieving an unattained desire. Poor beyond description is the person who cannot look to the future with hope of becoming the person he or she would like to be.

The power of specialized knowledge - don’t be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. You can go into any industry or profession not knowing a thing about it when you start, and with determination and study, learn enough to become a national expert within five years or less in that same profession. Strive to become one of the most knowledgeable people in your industry. Become an expert in a world of amateurs.

The power of adversity and defeat - we all have problems – and our problems only end - when we do. The only people without problems are in the cemetery. No matter what problems you have to face today, there is a solution, because you have nothing to deal with but your own thoughts. As long as you think that your destiny is in the hands of other people, the situation is hopeless. You will need to confront your problems with courage, boldness and action. There’s an old Chinese saying that goes: “if you live with a problem long enough, it could eventually become a blessing.” Within every adversity in life, there is always a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. We have to look for it - find it - and act on it.

The power of money - it buys shelter and food, provides education, pays doctor bills, and gets you from where you are to where you are going, in comfort. The more you have - the more you can be of help and service to your family, friends and the less fortunate. You have to learn how to develop your power to earn more money, and then to invest it wisely and cautiously.

The power of personal magnetism - some people have so much magnetism that they brighten the room when they come in - others have so little magnetism that they brighten the room when they leave.

The power of sound health - sound health begins with a health consciousness. This means thinking in terms of good health and not in terms of illness. It involves good eating habits and physical activities. Obtaining excellent health and maintaining it should be one of our major goals in life. Exercising does not make you tired; it builds your energy and strength. Vitality – is what differentiates the living from the non-living.

The power of self-control and discipline - discipline is what corrects, molds and perfects. The person who is not the master of him or herself may never become the master of anything. He or she who is the master of self may become the master of their fate, the captain of their soul.

The power of time - time is the most priceless gift in everyone’s life and we don’t even know how much time we will get to use. We all have the same 24 hours to work with every day. We can spend it, but we can’t save it, get it back, or buy more. When it’s gone – it’s gone. We have armored cars and banks to guard our money but our time is not protected. We have to guard our time and learn to spend it very wisely and cautiously. We have to develop and maintain a plan on how to do this.

The power of understanding people - become an expert on understanding, motivating and managing all types of people. Your ability to communicate effectively and be a good listener is a must for growth and prosperity.

The power of venturing - you have to expose yourself to hazards and risk in life - to gamble and take a chance. So many fail in life because they fear risk taking. You can't get to second base without stepping off first base. Don't be afraid of being "called out." there will always be another ball game (chance).

There are many more success principles to master in “The Science Of Success Achievement Course”

Rick Gettle has been teaching this course to over 6,400 different companies and groups since 1970
To see the full list of lessons taught in the course, please go to: www.master-mind-alliance.com

The End

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Author's Bio: 

Rick Gettle:

President/Founder Of The Master Mind Alliance International, Philosopher, Publisher, Author, Success Achievement Consultant, Teacher, Speaker, Trainer, Human Resources Development Consultant, And Personal Coach To Individuals, Including Managers And Owners Of Many Mainstream Businesses.

Rick Spent Three Years In The Army Air Corp And Another Three Years In The United States Merchant Marines And Then From 1954 Until 1960 He Spent His Time In Professional Selling, Sales Training And Sales Management.

From 1961 Until 1970, He Was In Advertising, Promotion And Marketing.

In 1970, Rick Represented Nightingale/Conant Corp (Earl Nightingale’s Company. Earl Was Heard Daily On Over 1,000 Radio Stations), Rick Also Represented “Success Unlimited” Magazine, And Bought A Distributorship To Market Napoleon Hill’s “Philosophy Of Success” Program And Started Teaching His Success Principles.

He Created The Master Mind Alliance Success Clubs International, (Which Is Now #1 Out Of 20,000,000 Google Listings Under Success Achievement Clubs), To Help His Students Follow Through And Put The Principles Into Practice.

In 1971, Rick Started Developing And Teaching His Own Course, “The Science Of Success Achievement Course.” His 334 Page Book Covers 142 Of The Most Important Lessons On Achieving And Maintaining Greater Financial Security, Freedom, Peace Of Mind And Happiness In Life – And How To Live A More Satisfying, Rewarding, And More Meaningful Life.

Since Then, He Has Been Teaching It Live On An Average Of 3 Times Per Week – 52 Weeks Per Year – For Over 40 Years. There Were Times When Had Over 6 Different Classes Going On Per Week. That Comes To Over 6,440 Times He Has Taught His Success Course.

Some Of The Groups He Taught The Course To Included New York Life, Metropolitan Life, Amway, Mary Kay Beauty Consultants, Herbal Life Distributors, Shearson Leamen, Century 21 Realty, Prudential, Coldwell Banker, San Quentin Prison, The Delancy Street Foundation, People On Self Growth.Com, FACEBOOK, And Linkedin.

In The Early 80’s, Rick Got A Phone Call From A Mr. John Haid Who Was The President Of The Napoleon Hill Academy. He Said That He Heard Quite A Bit About Rick’s Classes And That He Wanted To Fly Out To San Francisco To Meet With Him. When They Got Together, He Told Rick He Was Going To Set Up A Napoleon Hill Academy Franchise In Northern California And Wanted To Find The Most Qualified Person To Run It. He Was Here For About A Week And Interviewed Several Eager People Who Wanted That Privilege, Including Rick. Many Of Them Were Very Successful And Had Lots Of Money To Gladly Pay For The Franchise. After Several Meetings With Each One Of the Prospects, John Decided That Rick Was The Most Knowledgeable On Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles And Gave The Franchise To Him.

Online Tele-Courses: www.successercising.com

1 – “The Science Of Success Achievement”

2 – “Building Your Personality, Presence, And Personal Magnetism

3 – “Entrepreneurship Success Course”

One-On-One Success Achievement Couching – www.successercising.com Free Consultation!

Weekly Master Mind Alliance Teleseminar Workshops And Brainstorming #1 Out Of 10,000,000 Listings On Google Under “Success Achievement Clubs.”