Doodle meaning: An insight into the ‘art’ of doodling
Before we go on to discuss the significance of doodle meaning (and its ties to stress), consider this:
Are you among the millions of people who suffer from stress due to the frantic pace of daily living? Are you juggling your professional, personal, and family life at the expense of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being?
If you’ve answered yes to the above questions, you aren’t alone. Many women the world over struggle to combat stress, and the quandary is that most of them don’t even know they are dealing with this condition!time, stress, stressrelief, stressreducer
There are various ways in which you can create a good outlet for your stress- and one of them is doodling. This may seem like a juvenile activity, but those random scribbles can have a lot more to them than meets the eye. Over the years, many individuals and therapists have gone on to acknowledge the significance of doodle meaning as both a stress buster and creative outlet.
Boredom and doodle meaning
One of the most common reasons as to why people doodle is because they are simply bored. The human brain is wired to remain active, and when it isn’t given any food for thought, it tries to find some productive activity to engage itself.
Mental activity is also closely linked to physical activity, because when you are busy doing something, your brain is engaged and focused on the activity at hand. When you’re doing nothing and just sitting in one place, the monotony creeps in gradually, and your brain, being the wonderful, creative powerhouse that it is, goads you subconsciously into doing something.
In such a scenario, doodling serves as a valve of sorts for repressed artistic expression and creativity. Now, when it comes to doodling, many of us tend to use common symbols like the sun, stars, the ocean, birds, flowers, and animals like dogs and cats. Apart from the fact that these symbols are easy to draw, what’s even more noteworthy is that a majority of these squiggles denote peace and calm- which brings us to the next point.
Stress and doodle meaning
As discussed above, our brain tends to look for ways to engage itself when we are not doing any physical activity- but it also does the same when it is relegated to monotony. Those of you who have a 9 to 5 job would wholeheartedly agree with this, because such a schedule can get really humdrum, especially when the nature of your job pretty much confines you to a cubicle or desk for long hours. Though it may not seem like a big deal, monotony can play a huge role in the manifestation of stress- and as stress levels rise, your need to find an outlet increases.
In such a situation, your doodle meaning can be a reflection of your mental state. For example, a bunch of doodles depicting chains, ropes, or harnesses can symbolize the person’s need to ‘break free’- a common symptom of stress. Those depicting precise geometrical shapes like squares may symbolize the need to maintain control.
Do you tend to scribble a lot of slashed lines or doodle objects with jagged edges? If so, you may just be frustrated or resentful.
However, as in the case of dream and handwriting interpretations, doodle meaning is often subjective and dependent on the interpreter’s way of analyzing symbols. The key is to look up your doodle meaning without worrying too much about what it indicates- after all, doodling is a stress buster, so it wouldn’t make sense to get even more stressed over what your doodle means!
Karen Pasqualucci is a passionate, lifelong learner. She is an author, artist, entrepreneur, internationally accomplished speaker/trainer, a third degree black belt in Taijitsu and a homeschool mom of three. She shares her newest insights on her blog at and gives away free Mandalas simply to make you as addicted as she is to the pleasures of mandalas:) Come and get ‘em!
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