Hemorrhoid is a common problem suffered by people who have high risk for it. This may be due to chronic constipation, too much straining brought by pregnancy, prolonged sitting, and low fiber diet or even by eating spicy foods.

Hemorrhoids often let you suffer from pain and discomfort, and can hinder you from living a customary life. If you think you are in this situation, seeking for immediate remedy is advised to avoid it from getting bad.

However, before engaging yourself from spending too much money for surgery, non surgical removal of hemorrhoids should be taken into consideration first.

Non surgical removal of hemorrhoid is considered to be a less painful procedure. This includes taking of medicines such as steroids, analgesic,and anti-inflammatory. Vasocontrictors can also be used orally or through injection.

Nonetheless, the one placed into the perianal region creates a minor risk of harmful effects like high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, sleeplessness, and nervousness. Other options also include the use of alternative medicines such as barberry, horse chestnut, nagkesar and, neem.

Non surgical removal may also require an increase in the intake of fiber and likewise, a modification in the eating habits especially with the food you eat. Prolonged sitting and standing must also be avoided, and scratching the itchy area must be restricted as much as possible.

The use of suppositories, creams, gels, and ointments may also serve as non surgical means of removing hemorrhoids. You may also use a device such as cryogenic, which freezes hemorrhoid and then bog it off using liquid nitrogen.

Photocoagulation is also very common, which uses infrared light especially when bleeding is already present.Injection of chemicals is also done to shrink hemorrhoid that alters blood flow.

There are actually lots of methods to treat hemorrhoids nowadays, be it surgical or non surgical way. But what is important is that you are knowledgeable enough with the disease process in order to know the cause and apply the proper management.

Staying healthy is not an easy task especially if you practice destructive habits. Having a disease will absolutely jeopardize your life. It is always necessary to have complete awareness of your daily activities to protect yourself.

Keeping safe and being away from any diseases are good ways of promoting healthy living. Even if hemorrhoids are not considered life- threatening, it is still a disease. Hence, prevention is always a priority in preserving a good quality of life.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a natural health educator in the area of natural remedies and hemorrhoids cures. Discover the best hemorrhoid treatment available using proven natural home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at http://www.hemorrhoidpainrelief.org

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