Much of the work involved in the process of installing network hardware has less to do with the physical connections involved in the process. While there are numerous components involved in any kind of networking environment, the people who run the process are just as important as the networking equipment they install and will ultimately be tasked with monitoring and servicing.

The role of networking support personnel is a vital one in nearly every type of business. Without these individuals, a simple office email might never reach its intended recipient and vast amounts of information could be lost without anyone initially suspecting anything. Worse still, attempts to illicitly gain access to information by hackers could be met with almost no impediment, rendering your company's proprietary data effectively open to the world.

The ultimate decision about to what extent you wish to outsource functions such as networking support and network monitoring will come down to the extent to which you want your employees focused on your core business versus shifting their focus to the operation of your network. Each individual can only do so much, and your core operation may need to take precedence over the operation of your network.

One function that many companies successfully outsource is computer network security. When your network is secure, your communications reach their intended individuals and no one else. As well, your overall security determines how much of your proprietary information stays within your company. When a hacker attempts to steal the information that is rightfully yours, a proper network setup is the first challenge they will face. Beyond how your network is set up, active monitoring can also substantially challenge a hacker's skills. The more attempts to hack your network that a security team can thwart, the more secure your information will be. As well, this will save a great deal of employee time.

*Different security protocols and operating systems can complicated your network's operation

*Using an outside consultancy can guide you through the initial design process or through a complicated redesign when your network needs to radically adjust to new or changing needs

Your employees will have far more limited productivity if your network experiences downtime. As well, every message that gets somehow lost in the shuffle between its sender and its recipient can cost you revenue or contribute to larger expenses. By default, most professional messages are important, so every message needs to reach its target. Without proper monitoring, your network may experience all manner of errors that could prove to be very expensive down the line.

From the very beginning of the installation process, it is vital that you keep data management and access control in mind. Regardless of who you put to work on building your network, these are two details with too much importance to overstate. Many businesses find that building their own IT segment is a costly and overly complicated decision that they ultimately come to regret.

From a hardware perspective, you also need to consider costs beyond employees versus outsourcing. Outsourced technological solutions do not necessarily need to be kept nearby, and can be housed in physically secure server farms far away from your physical location. The communication with such a network is as fast as if it were in the same room with you, but even catastrophic events local to your office will have no negative impact on your network or your uptime.

There are both benefits and detriments to outsourcing the physical aspects of your network. For many businesses, the positives far outweigh the negatives. Ultimately, however, the decision and responsibility for it are yours alone.
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