Awareness--- self/spiritual/social is a hot topic and on many a folks mind, especially these days when the economy has forced us all to go back to basics in one form or another. We are learning more and more that we need to pay attention to our - planet's resources, our relationships and choices in order to preserve our way of life. We all know that we should "know" what and how to do this, but for most, this “knowing" is unknown...

What is awareness, really? From my research and experience, awareness is an understanding of who we are and why we are "here". But how aware can one really, really be? Do we all have the capacity to live completely aware? From what I have come to understand the answer is not only, no, but almost no one has the capacity (the consciousness) to achieve this. Scary? Only for a moment, until you really see the entire picture and embrace what this means.

So what does this mean? To me, in my search for information, I have acknowledged and adapted a mindset that makes sense to me. What I have come to learn (still learning) is that consciousness is truly nature and not so much nurture. Nurture does play a role, but if you are born a cat, there is no teacher in the world who can teach you to bark.

My studies have been primarily on authors who seem to have a rare and unique connection and understanding of the concept that consciousness (awareness) is something you are simply born into; that we all have sort of a starter set of tools for life that you either innately know how to use or struggle a lifetime without ever understanding their purpose. To my open but very pragmatic mind, this explains many, many things: poverty, crime, war and unrest as well as repeated political and social failures. Why do we repeat so many damaging acts and behaviors and never seem to understand the fundamental destruction they cause? How can we justify our means when the end is more conflict or despair? These are questions that cause us to truly wonder how, an advanced society in these times, is still struggling with the basic issues we have always struggled with; poverty, war, resource depletion, economic chaos and social dysfunction... to name a few of the big ones.

The possibility that we are born into our level and capacity for consciousness, in my opinion, also explains how a boy who comes from abuse and dysfunction can become a shining, loving, compassionate and unwavering resource to the world. How? How can this be when this boy has been exposed to so many negative influences that should ultimately cause him to lead a life that is a stark reflection of all he has grown to know and believe about the world, and about himself? This now, makes perfect sense.

Now, not everything makes sense and I think that's the point. "Sense" is a need of the mind so the mind (ego) can feel in control. I am learning that control (of anything or anyone outside of myself) is not only impossible, but the pursuit of it keeps us going in the wrong direction until we are completely lost. Instead, my choice is to accept my shortcomings (innate or not) and know that I only know what I know when I know it. And that's the best I can do at any given time or day. And instead of seeking awareness through fact finding and logic, I will do my best to get comfortable with the understanding that I can only know what I know and stress over what that means will only keep me frustrated, unhappy and searching. This understanding has taught me to live in peace, without fear and with compassion and appreciation for even the most difficult experiences.

If you are interested in learning more about the existence and capacity for consciousness (awareness), I suggest the work of David R Hawkins M.D, PhD as a resource. His work has given me great comfort and a much clearer vision of my purpose, which I believe is to enjoy my life, care for others and the earth and know that life is already perfect because it is “life”.

Author's Bio: 

I am a certified Life Coach with a specialty in a holistic approach to coaching. I help my clients to align their life and choices with the person they actually are, and may hide or not acknowledge, to enable themselves to make choices for their life that bring them love, peace, success and spiritual and self-awareness.

Do you have goals for yourself that you haven’t yet achieved? Why? Are they the right goals?

Like many others, I come from an abusive family dynamic and spent years searching for “happiness” and the ability to truly take care of and love myself. When my daughter was born and I had someone other than myself to think about, I realized the power of self-accountability and self-esteem and the affect it had on my life. Once I engaged my power, my life changed forever and I hardly recognized the person I once was. Don’t get me wrong, I have never forgotten her and I don’t try to forget what she went through. I remember and acknowledge that “that life” is a big part of who I have become and understand that I could not have gotten “here”, without her.

To learn more about me and Holistic Life Coaching, please visit