Stay Healthy to 100 and Beyond

Is that possible? Yes, there are breakthroughs that show that we can age healthy with healthy habits and options to get us there. In the last century the average life expectancy at birth in the US was 47 years. Today many of us can live twice as long. However, some people tend to believe that aging is a disease over which there is limited control and one that limits them of their independence and satisfaction.

Current research shows that trend of thought is changing. “As we age, our bodies’ ability to effectively generate and utilize energy declines, which may rob us of youthful vitality.” This loss of vitality is one of the first signs of aging as reported in the article,
We now have options with a wide variety of choices to shape and create the kind of life we want. Seniors no longer have to think that they have to get weaker each year. If that is their thinking, they are contributing to their own decline if they don’t take actions that can help correct vitality.

Many seniors without a disease may just be frail end up living in nursing homes could avoid being there if they could function on there own. With a supervised strength training
program of resistance training and weights, could help double their strengths in as little as six weeks. Other factors such as a healthy diet and walking contribute to seniors staying out of a nursing home. Physical strength especially in the upper body and spine is very important. Strength training improves coordination and greatly reduces the chances of a slip or fall. This is often the event that causes seniors to lose independence.

The good news is that strength training is good for all of us no matter what age you start.
The benefits of strength training exercises are to build muscle mass. Plan to include strength training in your exercise program three times a week for an hour each time to reap its benefits.

Are there limitations to aging?

Some people will say yes, and some say no. It all depends on your mindset. We might not be able to do everything we used to. People who have a positive view on aging will have a realistic view on their life. With the attitude of adjusting to opportunities that they were not able to pursue in earlier years, they find rich opportunities for satisfaction and self-growth. For others, these aging limitations may be seen as a punishment or burden and resort to giving up and accepting the lack of vitality, and limitation as a way of life.
Successful people see aging as an exciting opportunity that gives more time to focus on other activities that are pleasure driven such as volunteering, learning a new language or hobby. No matter what your situation or position in life, there are lots of interesting opportunities that are creative for you to be curious about. Seeking these activities and
using them are keys to vitality in old age.

Each morning when we wake up is another day to be thankful for and have a plan in place of activities to do that make us feel alive and better after they are completed. These could be simply volunteering in homeless shelter, a school, working in the garden, learning a craft, going on a field trip, reading a great book, a sport activity or delving in any pursuit that makes you feel better.

What this can do?

The brain is the only organ that determines how it ages. The more you stimulate it mentally with activities that absorb you, the more “plasticity” you develop, increasing the number of synaptic connections between cells. The brain is the “operating system” of our body. When we protect our brain a ripple effect is created. A sharp memory and positive outlook allows you to more likely take the actions that contribute to overall good health and longer life - such as watching what you eat, exercising and staying attentive to other people - these strengthen your relationships.

Dealing with Illness & Grief

People who have a heart attack, survived cancer or experienced grief with the loss of a spouse have to face the reality and find ways to continue healthy living. These incidences can serve as a source of strength in helping others. Some people may join or form a support group. Some may become a writer to write articles of interests to helping others adjust to getting older.

What is clear, to age well is to always moving forward emotionally and reaching out.

Keep your mind in the present to avoid worrying about the future and or dwelling on past mistakes. This is proven to be stress and anxiety reducer. Become mindful by allowing yourself five to 10 minutes to mediate or simply take a few slow, deep breaths and tell yourself to focus on the present. An added benefit, to practice mind-full awareness is at mealtime - practice portion control, the key to weight control. This allows you to notice how your body feels before, during and after each meal. With this awareness, you will eat when you are hungry and stop just before you feel full.

Reaching out to others

Creating mutual meaningful relationships are the answer to everything in old age. When we devote ourselves in doing for others, it will give our own self-confidence a boost and creating deep relationships bring you peace.

What lies ahead for Aging?

The science and advances in aging are here. Advances in fighting osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, cancer will enable many of us to live to age 100 and beyond with fewer limitations. Shortly before our natural death, we’ll experience a severe decline in our health.

Author's Bio: 

I believe that knowledge can be empowering and the more we understand our bodies and the mechanisms that cause illness, the more committed we become to getting better. Through my Hope Nutritional Services, I am devoted to educating you about your body, how it works and how to nourish, heal and nurture it.

Hope’s mission in life is to lead by example and to help others along the way via her platforms – to provide evidence based scientific information, products/tools, and services, and donate to charitable causes. Through her partnership company, she can help to transform individuals’ lives with innovative, anti-aging products, integrative science based supplements, health and beauty products and business opportunities for like minded business leaders or people who want to start their business in helping others.

For Integrative Healthy Lifestyle:

Business Opportunity Partnership:

Innovative Anti Aging Products: