If you are looking to think more confidently, what you want is a mind that is controlled by you yourself rather than those all too familiar negative and self-critical thoughts that creep in. Well, in EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, those negative and critical thoughts are said to be kept active by an energy disruption. So by releasing it and helping your energy flow, your thoughts turn more to self-confidence.
This is like a bright light that keeps you awake all night being kept on by electricity. Of course, we can turn off that harsh too/bright a light and get some nice sleep, right? Well, EFT can remove the "electricity" source and switch off those annoying negative self-critical thoughts. Then your mind is your own ans you can think happy encouraging thoughts.
So, here is a simple EFT protocol to help you have a better energy flow, in order to improve self-confidence and self-worth.
Start with either the Karate Chop as per Classical EFT or with the Heart and Soul protocol as with Energy EFT. As you are on these points, say your favourite self-criticism, such as "I am never good enough" and follow it immediately by "I allow better energy flow to happen for me". Do this 3 times, then move onto the next part.
Tap on all the points you normally use as you say your favourite self-criticism, such as "I am never good enough". Then tap again on all the points you usually use as you say "I allow better energy flow to happen for me".
Do the above once, then finish with the following. Start with either the Karate Chop as per Classical EFT or with the Heart and Soul protocol as with Energy EFT. As you are on these points, say "Just for today, I allow myself to just be. I allow myself to live each moment as it comes. I live in the Now". Do this 3 times, then relax, breathe, shake your body about, get up and get your energy flowing. Then rest if you feel the need.
Repeat this procedure every day till you feel a shift.
Naturally, this is a self-help general EFT procedure. Although it is best to work with an EFT practitioner, in-between sessions or if you for whatever reason cannot do sessions, this is a free and easy version to do. By the way, if tears, hiccups, burps, laughter, giggles, shaking, or sighs occur, do not try to stop it. Let it happen. It means that your energy is rebalancing itself, and that is a good thing. Make sure you drink plenty of water every time you do EFT, as EFT is thirsty work. Enjoy your journey of self-help and self-development.
© Suzanne Zacharia 2015, the EFT Master behind your self-confidence program at the guaranteed http://www.eft-scripts.com/confidence-eft - And of course, you are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE "EFT How-to for You" and regular free EFT Tapping script samples in my newsletter at http://www.EFT-Scripts.com - New to EFT? No worries, just get your own copy of "EFT How-to for You" and start EFTing with ease very soon!
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