Arthritis is the painful inflammation of one or more joints in the body. It is one of the most common causes of disability among adults and there are a large number of people whose quality of life has been severely compromised by this disease. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the two most frequent types of arthritis. Both of these are painful and debilitating conditions and can affect the normal life of a person. The major symptoms of arthritis are swelling, pain, stiffness, redness, warmth around the joint; and limited range of motion of the joint.

How to get relief from arthritis pain: Treatment for arthritis mainly aims to alleviate the symptoms and improve the functionality of joints. The treatment can vary according to the type of arthritis. Usually, the arthritic patients require a combination of treatments to control their condition. Analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and counterirritants are the most commonly used medications to treat arthritis. Analgesics are meant to reduce pain and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs improve pain and inflammation. Corticosteroids are effective to decrease swelling. They also hold back the immune system.

Massaging topical counterirritants on the skin above the affected joint can provide relief from arthritis pain. Other medications like biologics and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are also used in the management of arthritis. Treatment for arthritis may also include physical therapy, exercises, and wearing splints or braces. Stretching and range of motion exercises are beneficial to relieve arthritis pain. Avoid activities like jumping, running, and high-impact aerobics. Certain lifestyle measures are a good solution for how to get relief from arthritis pain. They also improve your mobility and quality of life. If you are overweight, try to lose a few pounds to lessen the load on your joints. Another way to decrease the pressure on weight-bearing joints is to engage in some water sports like water aerobics and swimming.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device is considered to be a good option for relieving pain caused by arthritis. However, make sure to consult with your doctor before using TENS therapy. If all of these measures fail to provide relief, joint replacement surgery or joint fusion surgery may be required. Several natural remedies are found to be effective in the management of arthritis pain. They are one of the best answers to how to get relief from arthritis pain. Adequate rest may be enough to relieve mild occasional pain. Applying heat or ice pack to the affected area is known to be an excellent remedy for arthritis pain.

Another effective way to reduce your arthritis pain is to sit in a hot tub for about fifteen minutes. Taking hot shower or soaking in a tub of warm water may also be helpful. Consuming glucosamine and chondroitin supplements is supposed to help alleviate arthritis pain. Ginger tea is a further effective natural cure for this condition. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to treat arthritis. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with water and drink it before your meals. You have to take it at least three times a day.

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