To be frank retaining walls are not there to merely enhance the look and feel of the property. They have far more important and critical functions to perform. Due to that reason, if a retaining wall turns unstable it can lead to disastrous consequences. Thus, as and when you have your new home constructed, you also have to take the onus of guaranteeing that the concrete sleeper retaining wall that you have set up is safe and adequately stable.
To ensure they last long – even with minimal maintenance, perhaps putting money on concrete sleeper retaining walls for your Brisbane residence is the best option. Yet, at times, things can go wrong. That is the reason when it comes to setting up these concrete retaining walls, you must put your stakes on a quality and experienced company.
Indeed, there are a lot of things that go wrong with the concrete retaining wall, and not all of them can be blamed on poor maintenance. The root cause behind these failures lies in the way they are set up, defying the laws of Physics. This is where the reputation and expertise of the company you hire depend on. Quite often, the structural integrity of the concrete retaining wall is compromised by external factors, leaving you with massive financial burdens. Unfortunately, the defects of the retaining walls become apparent only and only when the walls fail completely. That is the reason, it is so very important to hire a quality retaining wall installation company.
Retaining wall and Principles of Physics
For a concrete retaining wall to be stubborn, safe and functionally effective, it has to be built in such a way that it can take on the pressure and forces that will be in play, along with the composition and angle of the slope on which they are set up. Gravity is the principal driving force, which will play a crucial role in the sustenance of a retaining wall.
The composition (the kind of material of soil it is made up of) and the angle of the sope plays a pivotal role in determining the safety and the security of the retaining wall. This is because different angles come up with different angles of repose. Technically speaking, the angle of repose also depends upon the density of the material and the extent of friction it generates with the concrete at the base of the retaining wall.
Sandy or silty soil will generate less friction and hence will slide more easily having a much lesser angle of repose than the clay soil or peat soil that is more sticky in nature, with a higher angle of repose. Thus, when it comes to erecting the concrete sleeper retaining wall in Brisbane these factors have to be taken into account. Areas in and around Brisbane generally have lime-rich soils with sandy or loamy textures, with a lesser angle of repose. The builders of these retaining walls will have to make adjustments accordingly while designing and constructing these retaining walls. They make sure that the angle of repose is not exceeded while designing the get up of the wall, as it will make the entire wall unstable.
The authors own a company that carries our installation of a concrete sleeper retaining wall in Brisbane. The author is a seasoned technician and a regular blogger.
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