Joyful Greetings!

August 17 is the official launch of the new Life on Your Terms

Accelerator Series!

It has been one year since I published Life on Your Terms and began

creating the self-paced progressive coaching workbooks that

complement the popular book and give budding entrepreneurs the

support they need to live their truth, rock their passion and revel

in their true calling.

Please take a few seconds to scroll down and learn more about this

supportive coaching series. I created the workbooks for people who

are in career transition and ready to reinvent themselves as

entrepreneurs, and employees who are finally ready to leave the job

that is killing their soul.

Welcome to the True Balance International community!

We are a global organization dedicated to coaching powerful

executive women in transition to get focused now, follow their

passion and create more balance in their lives.

"You can leave the job that is killing your soul faster and easier

than you ever thought possible."

"I can highly recommend this series to anyone who is feeling stuck

and is in search of tools for their journey of transformation and


"What makes these workbooks so valuable? Shann has a knack for

asking exactly the right questions, the ones that inspire me to

dream and plan, that motivate me to move forward, that reveal my

inner resources and strength. Working through this series

illuminates the blocks in my path and provides insight and

practical advice for moving past them. I can highly recommend this

series to anyone who is feeling stuck and is in search of tools for

their journey of transformation and liberation!" -Karen Hager

Introducing a self-paced progressive coaching series developed to

accelerate you in the direction of your dreams!

Take a moment and imagine your life on your own terms...

What type of changes would you need to get there?

What would it be like if you had the tools to help you accelerate

your desired goals?

When you think about it, you really have only two options:

You can either struggle and try to find the best path for

reinventing your life or you can open the door to a highly

productive cycle of focused activity.

If you are ready to move forward on the path of your choosing but

aren't quite ready to invest in working with a transition coach,

this affordable (under $100) self-paced series may be perfect for

you. Click on any of the links in this article to get more details

about the series and make an investment in your future today.

The Life on Your Terms Accelerator Series includes workbooks

designed to support you through your next significant career or

life transition with practical information and simple steps to move

you forward. Each workbook is designed to:

* Help you clarify your life's purpose and passion.

* Help you understand the stages of transition.

* Create a future aligned with who you are.

* Overcome issues around the illusion of job security.

* Offer tools, resources & practices to help you succeed faster.

* Remove issues or obstacles including fear and doubt.

Claim your focus with workable solutions to accelerate your life on

your own terms. Guaranteed.

Your success is important to me...

If you aren't 100% happy, just let me know within 60 days...

And I will promptly refund all your money.

No questions, no hassles - it's that simple!

And to make the decision to order this course even easier for you,

I've put together a limited-time bonus for members of the True

Balance International community, who jump on this offer right


Order the complete Life on Your Terms Accelerator Series and get an

electronic copy of my book, Life on Your Terms: The Support You

Need to Follow Your Passion From Inspirational Entrepreneurs as a

thank you gift for your order.

Energize your life with insights from this exceptional group of

entrepreneurs. In this amazing series of success stories, coaches,

authors, executives, doctors, artists, and visionaries generously

share their personal secrets for liberation.

This collection of more than forty personal interviews turns over

the stones of accepted wisdom to reveal the tremendous power of the

entrepreneurial perspective. Some of the entrepreneurs include:

Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos and author of "Delivering Happiness",

Mike Michalowicz, author of the "Toilet Paper Entrepreneur " and

John P. Strelecky, International best selling author of Life Safari

and CEO of Big Five for Life. With commentary and insights by

Shann Vander Leek--an inspirational leader who, after eighteen

years of serving the television advertising model of the Corporate

world, reinvented herself as the founder of True Balance

International, LLC. Life on Your Terms is a valuable resource for

any entrepreneur, and reminds us that the power to define success

and personal freedom lies within ourselves.

You will be able to access the entire course plus your free gift

immediately and feel comfortable ordering now with your 60-day,

100% money-back guarantee.

All you need to do is click the link below to order your copy of

the Life on Your Terms Accelerator Series and begin your personal

transformation today!

This journey began with my personal career transition and

reinvention. It's my hope that it will lead to yours. Potential

entrepreneurs: it's time to get moving--to wake up and embrace the

richness of a full life!


P.S. Remember, when you order today you will have instant access to

all 10 workbooks plus a copy of "Life On Your Terms: The Support

Your Need to Follow Your Passion From Inspirational Entrepreneurs"

for a low one-time payment of $99.97!

Author's Bio: 

Unconventional, spirited and delightfully curious, Shann Vander Leek is a fresh new voice in the arena of mindfulness and extreme self care. She is the founder of True Balance Life Coaching, LLC. and a Coach Training Alliance Certified Coach and Yoga Instructor. Shann inspires creatives and women in transition to create balance in their lives through personal coaching, yoga and creative expression. She is the author of the e-book Getting Your Groove Back - A Luscious Living Guide and Co-author of a new series of team authored books for women titled, Wake Up Women BE Happy, Healthy & Wealthy. Shann's personal style and direct approach have guided many in overcoming personal and professional challenges. Her background in broadcast television advertising sales,marketing and client development along with leading a talented sales force for 11 years prepared her for the business of professional coaching.
Telephone and email consultations make Shann accessible to clients all over the world. Visit to sign up for Getting Your Groove Back - A complimentary Life Balance e-course.