Does Like Attract Like? Does The Law of Attraction Exist in Quantum Physics?

I’ve heard people protest that quantum physics does not say that like attracts like, that instead like-charges repel like-charges, and that therefore the law of attraction has no foundation in quantum physics.

I’m not a quantum physicist, but I’ve read quite a bit about it, and here’s how I understand why the law of attraction works:

Those who protest are totally right that like-charges repel each other in quantum physics – positive charges repel positive charges, for example – that’s the electromagnetic force.

But, there is another force that is 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force, and physicists call that the “strong force” – it’s the force that holds the nucleus of every atom together. The nucleus of an atom is composed of neutrons and positive-charged protons, which normally repel each other completely.

Dr. Hideki Yukawa (Nobel prize in physics) discovered way back in 1935 (and it was confirmed in 1947 and accepted as fact ever since then), that neutrons and protons in the nucleus of the atom (together called nucleons) constantly emit “virtual particles” called “mesons” and that they exchange these mesons with another nucleon (proton) or with themselves, and this interaction is what creates the “strong force” that holds the nucleus of the atom (and therefore all of physical reality) together.

In order to create this strong force, protons (nucleons) emit the virtual meson particles toward other like-particles in order to attract them into, or keep them in, the nucleus of an atom. The action and result that is created by this exchange of virtual particles among like-particles is that “strong force” itself – the strong force would not exist without this exchange of virtual particles.

Thoughts are virtual particles. Atoms, particles, everything that exists has intelligence and memory. Virtual particles are the thoughts of particles. Attraction would not exist without thoughts, the exchange of thoughts, the exchange of virtual particles.

That’s how like attracts like - by the exchange of information, virtual particles, thoughts – on the atomic level, and on the human interaction level. And, this attraction force is 100 times stronger than the repelling force.

Some say that there can be no connection between the atomic level and thought, between particles and human interaction, that virtual particles can not be thought, and that there is no proof for the law of attraction in quantum physics.

I did not make it up!! And this is not new information. A particle, whether it’s a virtual particle or a real physical particle, does not even exist until an observer (ie. a person) focuses a thought upon it and causes it to appear from nowhere. Before that moment, it was only a probability, a specific frequency, raw information that had no locality and no form. The act of a thought brought it into existence. And, raw information itself is a thought (intelligence), and a thought (intelligence) is raw information. These are all commonly accepted principles in quantum physics.

The concept that a thought (human interaction) creates particles, that a thought creates physical form, has been put out in theory and later confirmed in research by very many people. Among those theories are those of Max Planck in 1900 (quantum hypothesis), Niels Bohr in 1924 (probability waves), Werner Heisenberg in 1927, Richard Feynman in 1949, J.S. Bell in 1964, David Bohm in 1970. There are many others, then and now.

For the connection that a virtual particle is intelligence (a thought) being communicated between like-particles, information being exchanged, therefore thoughts, see the decades-long work of physicist Dr. David Bohm, whose theories are widely accepted among quantum physicists. He also says the universe (and everything in it) is constructed like a hologram, where all the information of the whole is distributed equally everywhere in the whole, and the information of the whole is available at any given point in the whole, and that everything is composed of pure frequencies, pure intelligence, pure thought – everything is.

Even in biology, neurophysiologist Dr. Karl Pribram was one of those who discovered that one of the ways thought is manifested in physical form in the brain, is by brain cells exchanging information, intelligence (thought) in the form of molecules that are called neuropeptides (molecules are composed of particles).

Later, neurophysiologist Dr. Candice Pert and her team discovered that neuropeptides exist everywhere in the body, not just in the brain, and that this is how the cells of the body communicate the information necessary for the body to function. She says the mind (thought) exists everywhere in the body, not just in the brain.

And, neuropeptides behave like virtual molecules. Candice Pert and her team have also discovered that the information in a neuropeptide from a cell in the foot, or anywhere in the body, gets transmitted instantly – instantly – to the brain. That’s not possible physically, so they are saying that neuropeptides behave like virtual molecules (do not have physical form, yet they appear to have it), and their only purpose is the exchange of information, of intelligence, of thought – instantly.

If you want to read about all the people I’ve mentioned and many more, I recommend these 2 books:

They will likely empower you and change your world.

There are also quotes about the fact that physical reality does not actually exist, that it is an illusion which you create – quotes from Einstein, physicist Max Planck, etc. here:

I wish all of you genuine happiness and beauty in your lives.

Author's Bio: 

Walter Zajac is a second-generation psychic, and music composer in Los Angeles, who has developed highly-respected spiritual insight, wisdom, and musical abilities in his 58 years. He has spent decades studying the world’s great teachers of spirituality, metaphysics, the spiritually powerful Law Of Attraction, psychology, and has gained a layman’s knowledge of quantum physics.