Are you putting up with things in your life that annoy you or drains the energy right out of you? A good majority of people have been carrying around suitcases filled with unfinished projects and things they are tolerating. You could be tolerating an annoying neighbor, excess weight, or a bad ...Are you putting up with things in your life that annoy you or drains the energy right out of you? A good majority of people have been carrying around suitcases filled with unfinished projects and things they are tolerating. You could be tolerating an annoying neighbor, excess weight, or a bad choice of home decor. These are things that get in your way and keep you from living the life of your dreams.

You tolerate what you don't like at home, work and in your personal life. You don't like these things but you tolerate them anyway. You don't like the stack of paper that's piled up high on your desk. You get frustrated when you can't find what you want to wear in your disorganized closet. You dread the long commute to work. Your car rattles as you drive and you tolerate the noise in stead of taking it in for repair. Are there science projects growing in your refrigerator?

These are the things that, for whatever reason, you tolerate in your life. Sometimes, they're minor inconveniences like a dripping faucet or a friend that never shows up on time. People put up with, accept, take on and are burdened by other people's behaviors, circumstances, unfinished business, problems, and 'stuff'. People tolerate their own negative behavior even if they don't like how they are behaving.

People tolerate old and no longer necessary thoughts and belief systems. There are even people who tolerate serious things like physical or emotional abuse. Why is that?

You do not do anything unless you get something out of it. Yes, you are getting something out of tolerating what you are putting up with in your life. What does tolerating allow you to be, do and have. If you examine your tolerations you will Find Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) to justify the toleration. It comes down to a basic fear of moving beyond your current comfort zone. You don't like your current comfort zone that includes the things you put up with but its what you know and, therefore, safe. No surprises.

So what are you tolerating?

Take some time to look at your life as it is right now. What are you tolerating that you'd rather be rid of? Make a list of what you have in your life that you do not want yet are tolerating. As you think of more items, add them to your list. What are you getting out of putting up with these things, these experiences? What would happen if you stopped tolerating and made appropriate changes? Who would you be, what would you have and what could you do if you were no longer tolerating these things? What is stopping you from stopping your toleration?

As you clear out the clutter, the incompletes, the stuff you put up with you will create a clear path and space to bring in the things and experiences you do want to have in your life. If you want to embark on a road to personal growth and abundant living then you have to clear your runway. Get rid of the debris of tolerations so you can take off and soar!

Author's Bio: 

Valery is a Mentor, Coach & Author who provides an all in one toolkit and training course that give you the necessary tools and information to get over the unique challenges that come from success, fame and fortune. Championing those who have or aspire fame and/or fortune to maximize their potential is her calling. She's fully prepared to engage clients with her experience, extensive training, certifications. For more information please visit