Afraid the recession is here to stay a bit longer? If so, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t take a recession to create problems for your business. Even if things are going great right now, you need business generating strategies when times are tough. Some of MLM distributors fear a recession; reason that if the economy is poor, customers will cut back their budget and stop spending.

This is true to a certain degree. A recession can be a problem for your business, or it can be an opportunity to gain new clients and boost sales. The different is MLM Pro use marketing and sales methods that work best in recession.

The following are some of the strategies that MLM Pro use to maintain and even increase their sales, while most MLM distributors struggle to stay afloat.

1) Wake up your dormant customers/distributors

This means calling up your customers/distributors used to be buying your products or doing the business at one time but for some reasons, they stopped.

The quick and easy way is look for your customers/distributors list and give them a call. Your purpose is to get in touch with them and find out their current situation.

You will be surprised to find out that they may actually be more open to your presentation as their life circumstances may have change as time passed.

You may want to meet up to strengthen your rapport, credibility and trust with them.

Remember to present your case in term of your client’s interest and offer them the appropriate benefits that they are looking for.

You may even want to teach your distributors and help them to do the same. Sometime, you may want to take over the list and work all the ways to wake up a sleeping giant.

This is not the time to be calculative and remember you still benefit even if it is a few levels deep. You will be enjoying the overriding commissions and may “wake up” their upline as well.

What you need to do is just make a call to offer them your help to grow their business. Isn’t that simple? But there is lots of people just don’t do it.

DO NOT START HARD SELLING on your products and business opportunity when you called. You will fall flat on your face.

If you are not comfortable to call them for various reasons, you may want to send a postcard, some interesting articles or testimonials from your customers to them. This will serve the same purpose as calling them up.

I have seen at least one in ten responded to this type of wake up call. You never know that you may actually discover a goldmine.

This strategy alone increases your group sales volumes and put money into your pocket.

2) Contact your old leads

If you are like most of the MLM distributors, you most probably called a lead once or twice. If they didn’t response, you most probably give up and forget about them.

Most of the leads that you give up may turn into a profitable customer or distributor. Studies have shown that most salesperson regardless of industry give up too early in the sales cycle.

We all know that it takes at least 7 “no” to turn a prospect into customer. But most salesperson is gone before that.

The best way to contact your old leads is to call them out and find out their current situation. During the conversion, you can find out what is their immediate needs and if they are looking for a solution.

This works best for leads not older than one year.

This strategy will work for you provided you respect every person whom you meet. It is very important that during your initial sales contact with prospect, you leave a good impression with them. You must be helpful, knowledgeable and caring towards everyone you meet. Nobody will like to talk to you again if you are prude and snobbish. It is crucial that you never shut your back door. You never know when you need them again. Most of the time when you need them again, it could be life saving.

Most of these re contacted leads are willing to meet up with you for a further discussion. At least 25 to 40% will become your customers or distributors if you can fulfill their needs.

Applying these basic strategies will keep your busy and put money in your pocket. I will share with you some other advanced strategies some other times.

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Ngoh Kwong Meng has not only been successful as a successful enterpreneur, but also as a leader in the field of Network Marketing.