Beginning in 1980, Dr. Jay Polmar received the dubious nickname of Dr. Speed. He got the funny name because he rushed from one college to the next, from Texas, to New Mexico, to Arizona, to Colorado, to Oregon, to Hawaii, and on and on --- teaching a special 3 day course on Speed Reading. Hence the name Dr. Speed.

The usual scenario was struggling students, and often their assistant professors (or full professors) who wanted to learn how to help the students. My experiences were great, and Dr. Jay told me he will always remembers a student who he calls "Big Bob" who took the class, one of many, in Albuquerque.

Big Bob was about 6'1" tall, wore a black leather motorcycle jacket with some indistinguishable lettering, and was going to UNM studying accounting. He rode up to classes on his Harley. He was a struggling student about to take final for the end of his Junior year at UNM the following week. He told the class either he picked up his grades, or he was going to become a mechanic.

After the first class, he just looked at Dr. Jay funny. Dr. Jay said "I wasn't sure whether he wanted to kill me, or thank me." At the beginning of the second class he said: "This gotta work, I've got an interview for a corporate position with an oil company down south next week and I want the job. But, I gotta tell you something weird." We were all curious, he said that "tests were getting easier for him". He was pulling B's and A's with hardly any study now. He said he even liked school. But the job interview worried him.

After that second class, he just smiled, and gave Dr. Jay a big hug after the class. After hugging, all the students hugged the good Doctor. It was a really great class. Of course the doctor taught many speed reading techniques, stress management, study skills and more. It was one of his best days of teaching and he told us he will remember it for a long time.

At the final class, Big Bob said "I aced that interview." He got the job and would begin right after graduation. It pays $40K to start (1985 rates) and he got moving expenses and a great benefit package. Other students began to talk. They also said how their C's were moving to A's and how much they enjoyed the study skills and stress management segments.

Since then we included Writing a Term Paper in 10 days, 8 stress management techniques, 7 speed reading techniques, and methods to intuitively get answers on exams. Over 8,000 students have loved the class since the first days and the reports of grade improved and successes are everywhere in almost every country in the world.

What will your success with it be? Be Dynamic yourself.

by Dr. Jay Polmar

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Jay Polmar, taught classes at several colleges and Universities through the Southwest, and western US from 1979 to 1993. His Be Dynamic became a self-taught course in 1998, and broken into 3 days, of self-teaching to success with Speed Reading and accelerated learning.