Fellas, here are a few facts about women that you might want to know when it comes to keeping your wife in love with you.
- Women are usually the ones who say they are not happy in their marriage.
- Women often say they are bored in their marriage.
- Women initiate ⅔ of the divorces or separations.
As a woman I’d like to share a few tools about women with you that can keep her in love with you...madly and forever! And the best part is that you don’t have to give up who you are, you don’t have to get in touch with your feminine side or have to talk about your feelings! You still get to be a masculine man!
The number one thing that women say when they talk to a lawyer about divorce is, “I don’t know if he even loves me.”
So how do you keep your wife in love with you? How do you keep her from even thinking or wondering, “Does he even love me?” I want your wife to KNOW that she is loved!
Here are 3 simple secrets to keeping your wife in love with you:
1. Make her your priority MOST of the time. Women tell me over and over that they don’t feel like they are important to their husbands. They say, “I always come second. Everybody and everything comes before me.” Your wife may feel like she gets your “leftovers.” It hurts. It’s embarrassing to her, too.
One easy way to make her your priority is to give her your UNDIVIDED attention when you both get home from work. At the end of your work day, before you get busy with the kids, supper, working out, etc., spend 15-20 minutes with her exclusively. You can have a 15 minute Happy Hour alone together.
Your wife knows that she cannot be your priority all of the time. She just wants to feel like she’s important to you all of the time.
2. Keep your promises. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is to a woman. Keeping your promises shows her that she is important to you and so are her needs. A promise feels like security to a woman. It feels like she can count on you and that she can trust you to recognize that something is important to her...no matter what you might think about it!
A promise to a woman can be as simple as doing what you say you will do. If you tell her that you will call her at 2:00 then call her at 2:00 or let her know that you can’t. Simple as that. A promise to a woman doesn’t necessarily begin with the words, “I promise to…”
A woman’s heart wants to be able to trust her man. Keeping promises is a sure fire way to keep that trust.
3. Listen to her. There is an art to listening to a woman. Have you ever heard your wife say, “You never listen to me. Are you listening to me? Why don’t you ever listen to me?”
Talking is important to your wife. Words create connections and connections create relationships and women are all about relationships!
Men tend to listen in straight lines. You listen from point A to point B. You listen for the facts, not the feelings. That’s what makes you such wonderful problem solvers. You don’t get all caught up in the emotions and the details! When women talk we go over the river, through the woods, around the corner and describe every detail and happening along the way. We know that seems complicated to you! Women talk with emotions and imagery. Men talk to convey information and get the problem solved.
Here are a few tips to learn the art of listening to your wife:
- Stand still and look her in the eye when she is talking.
- Ask her how she feels about whatever she is talking about.
- Understand that when she uses the words “always” and “never” she doesn’t mean it literally.
- Watch her facial expressions. If she says she’s “fine” and her face doesn’t show it, she is not fine!
One of the greatest gifts you can give your wife is your time. Listening to her is like giving her that gift. Just for her.
“You cannot make your mate happy, but you can give them plenty of darn good reasons to feel loved by you. Then they can decide to be happy!” Emily Anne Webber
So let your wife know that she is your priority. Keep your promises. Listen to her with your heart and your head. I want YOUR wife to stay madly in love with you for ever and ever!
Known for blending her gracious and gentle style of teaching with her intuition and knowledge of relationships, romance and the energy of romance, Emily creates simple and fun ways for you to have the romance and passion you so deeply crave. She is the creator of The Romance Principles ™, an author, Relationship Coach and Master Law of Attraction Coach. She is also the host of the “Married With Romance ™” show on http://www.VoiceAmerica.com. Please visit her website at http://www.marriedwithromance.com.
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