See Part 1 Here

Thank you to all those readers who sent me their comments about Part 1, it is very much appreciated. This was the biggest response that I have ever received since the initiation of the newsletters. Thank you once again. This gives me an indication that the subject of 2012 is indeed very important to a great many people. I am pretty certain and feel confident that the significance granted to the year 2012 is going to gather more momentum as we get nearer to that particular point in time.

Just so you all know I have abandoned the idea of selling up everything and going to live in the Caribbean …. I have just read on the Earth Changes newsletter, that there is a possibility that the region of the Caribbean might experience mega earth quakes in the not too distant future. So guess what; there will be no “coconut milk and ganja” for me in my last days on earth.

See the Mayan elders’ predictions here from Earth Changes: (Only viewed in word Document)

earth changes website

“Earth Changes” is a worthwhile website to register and subscribe to. Mitch Battros has an extraordinary way of bridging scientific facts and ancient predictions. He keeps updated with the changes that are taking place on this planet and informing us of forthcoming predictions.

Last week a friend of mine gave me a table graph showing when good and bad times occurred and when they are likely to reoccur. I do not know how old this graph is, but she received it 33 years ago from a Post Master and there is a definite similarity to other graphs that have been predicted.

If we can predict future events from past events like the plotted graphs of Harry J. Dent, Carl Calleman, Terrance McKenna and the graph I received last week; it can only mean one thing. The reality we exist in is a predetermined program with limited choices, and that program is about to stop either at the end of 2011 or 2012.

So what does all of this mean?

Let us wind the clock back - I was born on 29 July 1962 or may I say the character called Paul Birnie was written into this program on 29 July1962 from other programmed characters called Mom and Dad, for Oneness Beings to experience. Before I go on, there is infinite versions of Paul, in infinite time lines or parallel worlds called earth.

If we are going to talk about 2012 and beyond, it is important we grasp this point, as there are also infinite outcomes in infinite time lines or parallel worlds for 2012 and beyond, nothing is set in stone.

Paul Birnie was given a programmed destiny that was to be dictated by numerology, astrology and cellular karma etc. By the time Paul was 12 years old his programmed cycles were fully enforced and sealed with limited choices to run until death.

The task of the Oneness being, playing the character called Paul was to awaken and transform the character’s personality.

For example: beliefs, behavior, emotional and mental state of being and the rewrite of Paul’s destiny, which causes the oneness being to flip into a complete different time line and version of Paul Birnie.

By accomplishing this, the Oneness being had taken back its power of creation from the controller - the ego self of the character and truly started to create freely with the One through the character. The year 2012 and beyond is going to be about accomplishing the same process collectively.

Oh, by the way, the controllers who control this time line are a reflection of our collective controlling ego selves. So if you want the Illuminati, reptilians and the ‘grays’ etc. to stop controlling this reality, then all you have to do is to become the Oneness being you always were and take back your creative power from the ego self, it is that easy!

The year 2012 is a pinnacle and accelerating point of the collective awakening, an awakening that has already begun. When the program stops we will no longer be in quarantine and will be free to create collectively without a predetermined program, we will write our collective future moment to moment in absolute freedom.

Hey! That sounds great! In 2012 I will be free, my life will be bliss, lots of money, happiness, joy and peace in an instance - I cannot wait. Err…. Not so fast, hold on there partner, it not going to be that easy, you forgot about the collective ego self to overcome. There is no “get out of jail” free card in this game.

First thing that needs to be accomplished is that we require a critical mass of people fully awakened in order to influence the collective reality before the program stops.

The Oneness Blessing Monks say that the amount of fully awakened people needed is in the region of 64,000 but we have not yet reached that particular number. If they are correct we have a huge amount of delusionary people on this planet that believe that they are fully awakened, but they have not quite reached that point yet. This is the safety net called “new age” for you.

Don’t you just love this game!!!!!!!!

If we don’t have this amount awakened by the time the program stops, it is going to be very difficult to achieve full collective awakening. My Oneness Being, which is me in a more aware state, says that we will attain this critical mass in time.

The object of the collective game is no different than the personal game you are here to play. It is to transform a low vibratory physical reality that is controlled by the ego self into a physical reality where the fully awaken Oneness being creates with the One using the principles of the One. No ascension is needed, the idea is not to go to God, but for us to bring God here.

So what does this collective awakening have in store for us?

Well, if my own personal awakening is anything to go by, there will be lots and lots of challenges. It is the challenges that make us look inside and transform.

Our Planet will go through a cleansing period before its rebirth and there will be a void of emptiness in between death and rebirth.

Just think about what has happened in your life to put you on this path. I was awakened through the departure of five very close friends who were killed in a motor car accident. I am not saying everyone awaken through massive challenges in their life, but most of us do!

When challenges occur people look for new answers to solve them, due to the fact that what they did before was now not working for them. A similar course of action is considered necessary on a greater scale for collective awakening.

Well! What challenges can we expect?

This is what I expect to happen, but who am I to say that I am right, this is just my belief.

Creation will be faster, whatever we send out will be beamed back by the One to us to experience quicker.

Dramatic climate changes will occur; natural disasters will be on the increase and 100 times more intense. Sea levels will rise considerably in a short duration and please believe it is not your car that is creating global warming and the earth changes, it is the sun.

We have entered the 24th solar cycle and the solar flashes are expected to be 50% bigger than the biggest one ever recorded. This will affect our magnetic fields of our planet and our physical bodies. Our communication systems, satellites and energy grids will be drastically affected, which could instigate a revolution in our energy needs.

The biggest solar flashes have been predicted to be in 2011 and 2012; this will affect human behavior and emotions exceptionally.

My advice to you is to get to work on your emotional baggage that you have ignored for so long, because like it or not; it is coming to the forefront for you to transform and resolve.

Suicides will be on the increase, aircraft, trains and ship disasters will be on the increase as we have already seen happening.

Whales and dolphins will beach themselves in the hundreds and other species will rapidly become extinct.

There will be a nuclear terrorist attack in order for the controllers to take even more global control.

The world economy will crash, which will be bigger than in 2008, forcing people to take stock of what is important in their lives and the way they have conducted business in the past.

In their moment of need they will turn to religion and religion will prey on the weak to fill their bank accounts and take even more control of their followers. People will soon lose faith in their religions as nothing will change.

The mighty countries who abused its power will fall one by one and new countries will take the forefront in leadership.

More outbreaks of viruses like Swine flu, AIDS and TB will be created to build fear and keep control of the population. The vaccinations that will be offered by the controllers are to stop the people awakening.

As we approach 2012 the word Apocalypse will be used to instill fear. Governments will make law after law and people will follow like sheep at first, but this will backfire, as lie after lie will be uncovered causing the people to start losing faith in the governments.

The microchip will be introduced to control the mass population, if this is successfully introduced it will be a severe blow to awakening. If you are totally awakened and you have the chip it will not affect you at all, but should you have not been fully awakened, it will most definitely affect you. It is better to avoid it been inserted into your body at all.

This is just some of the challenges we will face in the future, and how we respond to these challenges will determine the outcome of our future reality. Each person will have to take responsibility for their creation, which simply means the “ability to respond” in a peaceful and profound, uprightness manner which serves the collective awakening.

This is not doomsday or punishment. It is a transformation through chaos; it is no different from my personal awakening. I had to let go of people, family issues, money issues and transform my emotions, behavior and beliefs. I know this is only one experience in infinite realities and whatever happens, I will always exist.

My Oneness Being, which is my more aware self had one mantra “Peace in Chaos” this he repeated to me over and over again; he always said this is the key to transformation. It has constantly taken me through my difficult times and into a positive outcome. He has told me to let go of my attachment to my reality, as it is not who I really am.

I am an infinite Oneness Being playing an illusionary game and whatever happens does not really matter as long as I know the truth and accept it, I will at all times be truly free. When we go through this transformation there is only one thing you need to know, which is a simple choice and that is; will I live in love or fear.

If I live in love and know at the bottom of my heart that I am the creator of my reality, I will have the power at anytime to create myself in a self serving creation. Remember, whatever we believe and focus on from the core of our being, we will experience.

Even though I have told you what I believe will happen and even if it does, do not get caught up in the mellow dramas of this reality. Become the creator of your reality and reconnect with your Oneness self. By doing this, you will not be affected as the people who are not awakened and living in total fear.

The total transformation will not happen overnight and it is up to us if we will be successful at finishing this game as collective Awakened Oneness Beings. If we complete the game collectively and transform this reality, it will be one of the greatest experiences that we, as Oneness Being have ever created and experienced. It will send shock waves all the way back to source.

Other beings think we are completely psychotic to try this and some of them look down on us as lost souls in a low vibratory reality. All I can say to each Oneness Being experiencing this reality, you are not psychotic or a lost soul - you are a Powerful, Adventurous, Warrior of the One. It does not matter what takes place over the next 20 to 50 years or whether we complete the game or not.

All that matters is you have gone to places where no other being would boldly go before. You are the One and the One is you, by knowing this in the deepest part of you, you are free and the date of 2012 and its challenges can have no power over you.

2012 & Beyond is in our hands and not in the hands of a programmed experience.

We will write the future collectively moment to moment, as we go along and create and experience an awesome adventure together.

What happens to us if we fail and slip further into darkness?

Do not worry!!!

“Oneness” has a safety device installed; it is the seven creative centers and the hara line of our reality; but more on that in part 3 in the next newsletter.

Author's Bio: 

Paul Birnie is the founder of Crystalworlds and websites http://www.crystalworlds.com , and http://onenesspendants.com http://www.crystal-healing-necklace.com that contains the secrets to a great, abundant and enriched life. Most of his information has come from Argon a Oneness being that has Communicated over the last 4 years. Argon has taught him all about how to create in this reality,the matrix and oneness (infinite love)